Friday, December 23, 2011

I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas

"'Twere a couple days before Christmas and all through the neighborhood
not a snowman was built, 'cause nobody could.
Not a dusting of snow could be seen on the ground,
not even after we sent out the old bassett hound.
The weather was too nice, it was just a bit too warm.
And as I thought about it, one single tear it did form.
A snowless Christmas, it just couldn't be!
"Wait, a snowless Christmas?!" I shouted with glee.
No shoveling, no shivering, no walking through slush.
"This sure will be wonderful," I heard myself gush.
Hooray for Texas and its warm December,
this will be the first snowless Christmas I can remember.
Happy Christmas to all, I sure hope that it's merry.
As for me and my green Christmas I shall be glad... very!

— by Moi, 12/23/2011

Friday, December 16, 2011

An Ode to Westerns

Tom Mix in Mr. Logan, U.S.A., 1919
While I fancy myself a lover of cinema, or a cinephile if you will, I never got into watching many westerns. A fact confuses me since my dad actually really enjoys them.

Anyway, now that I have moved to Texas, and am around people who really love everything southern and southwestern, I have been exposed to more and more westerns.

It used to be that when I thought about westerns I immediately thought of John Wayne, or Clint Eastwood. These days I also think Slim Pickens, Audie Murphy and Dean Martin. Wait, the crooner? Yep, one in the same. Turns out he can shoot you in the leg and then sing a catchy tune about it.

Maybe it's genetic, or circumstantial, or because I'm older, but I actually really enjoy westerns, too. There's just something fun about watching the dashing cowboy save the day, and enjoying the nostalgia of a bygone time. And, let's be frank, sometimes we all just need a good, old-fashioned shoot 'em up.

As long as the dashing cowboy saves the day in the end, anyway.

— E

Monday, December 5, 2011

Only in Texas...

Have I ever found PEACH Jam in a restaurant.

I'm certainly not complaining about it.

— E